Breaking Waves: Ocean News en Heathrow prepares third-runway blueprint for Labour amid record passenger numbers <p>UK’s biggest airport served almost 40m passengers in first half of 2024, straining its system ‘to the maximum’</p> <p>Heathrow is preparing to announce a fresh blueprint for a third runway for the Labour government’s approval as record passenger numbers “strain its system to the maximum”.</p> <p>The UK’s biggest airport served almost 40 million passengers in the first half of 2024, culminating in its busiest day ever on 30 June.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Wed, 24 Jul 2024 11:24:04 +0000 admin 96517 at Revealed: Tories failed to do impact check before approving banned pesticide <p>Exclusive: UK campaigners say it is ‘unacceptable’ no nature assessments were made on bee-killing Cruiser SB</p> <p>The Conservative government did not carry out a legally required assessment of how greenlighting the use of a banned pesticide, described as a “death blow to wildlife”, would affect some of the most important nature sites, documents have revealed.</p> <p>The previous government gave emergency approval this year for sugar beet farmers to use Cruiser SB for the fourth year in a row.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Wed, 24 Jul 2024 10:12:50 +0000 admin 96515 at Revealed: wealthy western countries lead in global oil and gas expansion <p>The US and the UK among countries with low dependence on fossil fuels criticized for ‘hypocrisy’ on climate pledges</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Wed, 24 Jul 2024 10:00:06 +0000 admin 96514 at Head of king’s property portfolio given 20% pay rise to £1.9m <p>Crown estate reward for Dan Labbad comes amid doubling of profits on back of offshore wind developments</p> <p>King Charles’s property management company has given its chief executive a pay increase of almost 20% after tripling his pay packet over the previous three years.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Wed, 24 Jul 2024 09:50:35 +0000 admin 96516 at Australian scientists genetically engineer common fly species to eat more of humanity’s waste <p>Black soldier flies could help cut planet-warming methane produced when organic waste breaks down, Macquarie University team says</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Wed, 24 Jul 2024 09:00:07 +0000 admin 96513 at Komodo dragons have iron-coated teeth, scientists find <p>Reptile’s teeth found to have covering that helps keep serrated edges razor sharp and resistant to wear</p> <p>With their huge size, venomous bite and the fantastical connotations of their name, Komodo dragons seem like the stuff of legend.</p> <p>Now, that status has been elevated further: scientists have discovered that their teeth are coated with a layer of iron that helps keep their serrated edges razor sharp.</p> <p> <a href="">Continue reading...</a></p> Wed, 24 Jul 2024 09:00:07 +0000 admin 96512 at Reality TV contestant apologises for killing and eating protected New Zealand bird <p>An American contestant on Race to Survive has apologised for eating a weka, a large, brown flightless bird known for its curiosity</p> <p>Things got a little too real on the reality TV show Race to Survive when one of the contestants killed and ate a protected New Zealand bird species, prompting a warning from authorities.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Wed, 24 Jul 2024 06:39:05 +0000 admin 96511 at Hydrothermal eruption in Yellowstone National Park sends sightseers fleeing <p>Video posted online shows people running away to escape the explosion at Biscuit Basin, which is now closed to visitors</p> <p>A surprise hydrothermal explosion in Yellowstone national park has sent sightseers running for safety, after steam and dark-coloured rock and dirt shot up high into the sky.</p> <p>The eruption happened around 10am local time on Tuesday in Biscuit Basin, a collection of hot springs a couple miles north of the famous Old Faithful Geyser.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Wed, 24 Jul 2024 05:43:52 +0000 admin 96510 at Australia’s environment could be fixed and threatened species saved for just 0.3% of GDP, experts say <p>Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists estimates $7.3bn a year for 30 years could avoid most extinctions, repair soils and restore rivers</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Wed, 24 Jul 2024 03:30:08 +0000 admin 96509 at Royal family to replace helicopters after flights cost more than £1m last year <p>Two new AgustaWestland AW139s will be in use this year as total annual travel bill rises from £3.9m to £4.2m</p> <p>The royal family spent more than £1m on journeys by helicopter last year, and will take delivery of two new ones to replace those they have used for the past 15 years.</p> <p>In total, royals made 170 helicopter journeys, costing a total of £1,096,300, official accounts reveal, with the total travel bill last year rising to £4.2m from £3.9m.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Tue, 23 Jul 2024 23:01:04 +0000 admin 96508 at