Breaking Waves: Ocean News

07/23/2024 - 12:24
Allies of the 73-year-old anti-whaling activist Paul Watson have said that prison time would amount to a ‘life sentence’ The arrest of the anti-whaling activist Paul Watson in Greenland – where he could face extradition to Japan – has been condemned as “politically motivated” by supporters, who compared the case to the detention of the WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange. “The parallels are disturbing,” said Omar Todd, chief executive and co-founder of the Captain Paul Watson Foundation (CPWF). Continue reading...
07/23/2024 - 11:27
Preliminary data from Copernicus suggests temperature records were shattered, taking world into ‘uncharted territory’ World temperature records were shattered on Sunday on what may be the hottest day scientists have ever logged, data suggests. Inflamed by the carbon pollution spewed from burning fossils and farming livestock, the average surface air temperature hit 17.09C (62.76F) on Sunday, according to preliminary data from the Copernicus Climate Change Service, which holds data that stretches back to 1940. The reading inched above the previous record of 17.08C (62.74F) set on 6 July last year, but the scientists cautioned that the difference was not statistically distinguishable. Continue reading...
07/23/2024 - 10:00
Talk of building reactors in Australia is breeding uncertainty and delaying decisions to back major solar and wind projects Get our morning and afternoon news emails, free app or daily news podcast Renewable energy investment figures have revealed growing worries the Coalition’s plans to build nuclear reactors in Australia is breeding uncertainty and is already delaying decisions to back major solar and wind projects. The Coalition’s push to build taxpayer-funded nuclear reactors at seven locations while refusing to back improved climate targets could see investors shifting huge sums of cash to other economies where the clean energy transition has bipartisan support. Sign up for Guardian Australia’s free morning and afternoon email newsletters for your daily news roundup Continue reading...
07/23/2024 - 10:00
Exclusive: Report by housing group says 24.3 hectares of residential tree canopy cover could be lost each year due to densification across inner city Get our morning and afternoon news emails, free app or daily news podcast Up to 200,000 trees will be needed across inner Melbourne to prevent a widespread loss of canopy – and associated impacts to quality of life – from the planned construction of 800,000 new homes, research suggests. A new report by housing advocacy group Yimby Melbourne, released on Wednesday, estimates 24.3 hectares (60 acres) of residential tree canopy cover – the equivalent of six cricket ovals – could be lost each year as a result of densification across the 19 local government areas (LGAs) that make up inner Melbourne. Continue reading...
07/23/2024 - 09:21
High court hears case brought by claimants who say rights have been breached as result of adaptation plan In December, council officials ordered Kevin Jordan to leave his home, warning him it was at risk of falling into the sea at any moment. On Tuesday, he had his day in court, accusing the government of failing to do enough to adapt to the changes the UK is facing as a result of climate breakdown. Continue reading...
07/23/2024 - 08:02
Rising costs and poor pay from supermarkets are making business unprofitable, says industry body Two-fifths of British growers of strawberries and raspberries could go out of business by the end of 2026 amid rising costs and poor pay from supermarkets, according to a study. Almost half of British growers said they no longer make a profit and 53% reported the financial health of their business as bad or very bad, according to a survey by British Berry Growers (BBG), an industry body that represents farmers producing 95% of the berries sold in the UK. Continue reading...
07/23/2024 - 07:49
Death is one of several believed to be caused by high temperatures in the western US in recent weeks A 56-year-old woman died while hiking near a state park in south-western Utah over the weekend after running out of water on a sweltering day, officials said. The woman’s death is one of several believed to be caused by the extreme heat in the western United States over the past several weeks. Continue reading...
07/23/2024 - 07:16
Civil Aviation Authority proposes measure to help consumers make ‘more informed travel choices’ Airlines may have to tell passengers the environmental impact of the flights they book under new proposals from the UK regulator. The Civil Aviation Authority said consumers should be able to make more informed travel choices when booking flights and package holidays. Continue reading...
07/23/2024 - 07:00
Better food labels are a necessary but insufficient step to improve diets and health Ding. The microwave beeped. I grabbed the bowl of bright orange macaroni and cheese and slid it in front of my daughter, alongside an apple and milk, before dashing back to my laptop. My seven-year-old was home sick, and I was frantically attempting the hazardous maneuver all too familiar to post-pandemic parents: working while parenting. As I logged into Zoom, I wondered what my nutrition colleagues would think if they knew that down the hall, my kiddo was eating the verboten: ultra-processed food. Continue reading...
07/23/2024 - 05:28
In western Kenya, wild giraffes are being relocated to the Ruko Conservancy to maintain peace between the Pokot and Ilchamus communities. Since the first giraffe’s arrival to the reserve in 2011, poaching has ceased, and community relations have improved, creating jobs and regional stability. Before a giraffe’s arrival, an intercommunal welcoming ceremony with dancing and singing is held for them, an inconceivable scene in the mid-2000s Continue reading...