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We offer a combined voice and collective action for the future of the ocean. We do this and more, with your support.

Would you rather mail a check?
Make it payable to WORLD OCEAN OBSERVATORY and drop it into a stamped envelope addressed to us at:
P.O. Box 1
Sedgwick, Maine 04676



A contribution, in any amount, helps World Ocean Observatory to further advance global ocean communications. We are not building ocean wind turbines, but we are informing millions of individuals around the globe, building political will, and changing the future by changing global perceptions of human impacts on the ocean while sharing the knowledge that the sea connects all things.

In 2024 W2O launched an Enabling Fund as a means to capitalize and accelerate our programs and educational services. Financial support from individual contributors is instrumental to our future, enabling our success into the next twenty years.

The World Ocean Observatory is registered in the United States as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Through all programs, projects, and initiatives W2O aims to expand strategies related to sharing resources and teaching tools on climate and ocean issues, conservation and solutions; to build our audience exponentially; to be a catalyst for transformative behavior for the future of the ocean; to foster optimism; to suggest solutions; and to share climate and ocean news far and wide. 

The three primary mission values are: education, advocacy, and communication. W2O proudly subscribes to the tenets of the Donor Bill of Rights.

THANK YOU for your support.



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