Breaking Waves: Ocean News

07/26/2024 - 04:25
Organisers hope dogs will mimic behaviour of wolves that in past would have helped disperse wildflower seeds Backpack-wearing dogs are being enlisted to “act like wolves” to help rewild an urban nature reserve in the East Sussex town of Lewes. Before wolves were persecuted to extinction in the UK in about 1760, they were known to roam large areas, typically covering 12 miles (20km) or more each night. Continue reading...
07/26/2024 - 03:07
More than 30 councils relied on reports during development approval process for 135 sites but EPA says no immediate risks to public health identified Follow our Australia news live blog for latest updates Get our morning and afternoon news emails, free app or daily news podcast An environmental consultant has been accused of falsifying laboratory sampling results in environmental reports that councils used when assessing 135 sites for development across New South Wales – including 24 childcare centres and a school. The NSW Environment Protection Authority said on Friday it was investigating the allegations about Noel Child of N G Child & Associates and had begun visiting the affected childcare centres to “discuss the issues with the operators”. Continue reading...
07/26/2024 - 02:00
The best of this week’s wildlife photographs from around the world Continue reading...
07/26/2024 - 01:00
From an unexpected glimpse of a silky anteater to a tagged terrapin, here is a selection of this year’s winning, runner-up and commended images from the 2024 Mangrove photography awards, run by the Mangrove Action Project Continue reading...
07/26/2024 - 00:00
Connection found between early exposure and bronchitic symptoms in adults without previous lung problems Air pollution breathed in during childhood is one of the factors in adult lung health, according to a new study. The origins of the study date back to 1992 when researchers began investigating the effects of air pollution on groups of children in California. Some of these children are now in their 40s. Continue reading...
07/25/2024 - 17:30
Researchers say 650 tonnes on order for Paris Games is a potential stress on local and regional resources From cold-water swimming to ice baths, deliberately freezing yourself has been hailed as a panacea for everything from menopause symptoms to arthritis, headaches and immunity conditions. And for sportspeople, ice is widely used to aid recovery after exercise. But now researchers have said the clinical benefits of ice therapy are not evidence-based and its popularity is bad for the environment. Continue reading...
07/25/2024 - 17:00
European visitor rushed to hospital after briefly walking barefoot in California national park amid extreme heat A European visitor got third-degree burns on his feet while briefly walking barefoot on the sand dunes in California’s Death Valley national park over the weekend, park rangers said Thursday. The rangers said the visitor was rushed to a hospital in nearby Nevada. Because of language issues, the rangers said they were not immediately able to determine whether the 42-year-old Belgian’s flip-flops had somehow been broken or were lost at Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes during a short Saturday walk. Continue reading...
07/25/2024 - 14:47
Newly announced research examining greenhouse gas emissions from the drying lake bed of Great Salt Lake, Utah, calculates that 4.1 million tons of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases were released in 2020. This research suggests that drying lake beds are an overlooked but potentially significant source of greenhouse gases, which may further increase due to climate change.
07/25/2024 - 11:43
Secretary general said wealthiest countries are ‘signing away our future’ with more production and called for phase-out of fossil fuels The world’s wealthiest countries are “signing away our future” by leading a “flood” of expansion in fossil fuel activity that threatens worsening heatwaves and other climate impacts that imperil billions of people, the head of the United Nations has warned. António Guterres, secretary general of the UN, on Thursday called on countries to “fight the disease” of the world’s “addiction” to coal, oil and gas, warning that tumbling heat records this week must spur rich nations to lead the way in phasing out fossil fuels. Continue reading...
07/25/2024 - 09:32
More than 25,000 residents and tourists evacuated from national park region as firefighters forced into a retreat A fast-moving wildfire has destroyed parts of Jasper, the old mountain town in the Canadian Rockies, with the mayor warning the damage was “beyond description and comprehension”. The blaze had forced more than 25,000 people to flee earlier this week. Jasper national park officials said the fire entered the southern edge of the town on Wednesday evening. But, given the speed and intensity of the blaze, fire crews working to protect key infrastructure were ordered to retreat. Continue reading...