Breaking Waves: Ocean News

07/26/2024 - 08:05
Planet’s largest blanket bog is first peatland to be designated by Unesco after a 40-year campaign by environmentalists The world heritage agency Unesco has confirmed that the Flow Country, the planet’s largest blanket bog, which covers the far north of Scotland, has been made a world heritage site. The Flow Country, which covers about 1,500 sq miles of Caithness and Sutherland, is one of the world’s largest carbon stores and the first peatland to be designated by Unesco, after a 40-year campaign by environmentalists. Continue reading...
07/26/2024 - 07:36
Communities affected by construction of renewable energy infrastructure ‘have the right to see the benefits’ UK politics live – latest updates Labour will seek to persuade people living near proposed pylon routes and other renewable energy infrastructure that the developments are critical to bring down bills and tackle carbon emissions, the energy secretary said. Ed Miliband promised to consider new benefits for communities affected by the construction of renewable energy infrastructure, and community ownership of the assets, which could include onshore windfarms and solar farms. Continue reading...
07/26/2024 - 06:31
Owner of North Yorkshire power station earned £393m in government subsidies for biomass The owner of the Drax power plant in North Yorkshire will give shareholders a £300m windfall after a sharp rise in taxpayer subsidies boosted its profits for the first half of the year to more than £500m. The power station, which receives hefty subsidies from burning biomass wood chips, mainly shipped from North America, generated almost a third more electricity over the first half of this year compared with the same months last year. Continue reading...
07/26/2024 - 06:00
National Whale and Dolphin Watch organisers say data collected will help with research into marine mammals Hundreds of wildlife enthusiasts are expected to gather along UK coastlines over the next 10 days to count and record whales and dolphins. The National Whale and Dolphin Watch, taking place from 26 July to 4 August, is hosted by the Sea Watch Foundation and aims to get volunteers to observe and record sightings of the UK’s most impressive marine mammals. Continue reading...
07/26/2024 - 06:00
Policymakers and funders are being urged to invest in training a workforce to serve the industries of the future A greener economy could bring millions of jobs to some of the largest countries in Africa, according to a new report. Research by the development agency FSD Africa and the impact advisory firm Shortlist predicts that 3.3 million jobs could be generated across the continent by 2030. Continue reading...
07/26/2024 - 04:25
Organisers hope dogs will mimic behaviour of wolves that in past would have helped disperse wildflower seeds Backpack-wearing dogs are being enlisted to “act like wolves” to help rewild an urban nature reserve in the East Sussex town of Lewes. Before wolves were persecuted to extinction in the UK in about 1760, they were known to roam large areas, typically covering 12 miles (20km) or more each night. Continue reading...
07/26/2024 - 03:07
More than 30 councils relied on reports during development approval process for 135 sites but EPA says no immediate risks to public health identified Follow our Australia news live blog for latest updates Get our morning and afternoon news emails, free app or daily news podcast An environmental consultant has been accused of falsifying laboratory sampling results in environmental reports that councils used when assessing 135 sites for development across New South Wales – including 24 childcare centres and a school. The NSW Environment Protection Authority said on Friday it was investigating the allegations about Noel Child of N G Child & Associates and had begun visiting the affected childcare centres to “discuss the issues with the operators”. Continue reading...
07/26/2024 - 02:00
The best of this week’s wildlife photographs from around the world Continue reading...
07/26/2024 - 01:00
From an unexpected glimpse of a silky anteater to a tagged terrapin, here is a selection of this year’s winning, runner-up and commended images from the 2024 Mangrove photography awards, run by the Mangrove Action Project Continue reading...
07/26/2024 - 00:00
Connection found between early exposure and bronchitic symptoms in adults without previous lung problems Air pollution breathed in during childhood is one of the factors in adult lung health, according to a new study. The origins of the study date back to 1992 when researchers began investigating the effects of air pollution on groups of children in California. Some of these children are now in their 40s. Continue reading...