World Ocean Radio - Ocean Finance

This week on World Ocean Radio: part fourteen of the multi-part BLUEprint series. In this episode we assert that it's time to close our minds to past ways, open our eyes to new ones, and imagine a new economy reshaped from the bottom up and inside out--a process that will grow and progress in outwardly expanding concentric circles to include everyone and everything within.
Since the mid 2000s, economists have spoken of Black Swans, disruptive financial events that embody three special characteristics: they are rare, wide-ranging and extreme, and they are explicable only after the fact. Now there are Green Swan events, a new scientific classification for climate catastrophes that can trigger systemic financial crisis unless authoritative action is taken. In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill argues that due to the global disruption caused by the Coronavirus outbreak, we may now be in the midst of our first major global Green Swan event.
In the United States, planning and reparation for coastal flooding and damage has been administered under a National Flood Insurance Program that since 1978 has paid more than $40 billion in claims. In this episode of World Ocean Radio we outline some of the reasons why the program is not working, especially as extreme weather becomes more prevalent and levels of destruction more severe.
How does the Green New Deal integrate with the best desired practices and changes for the ocean? In this episode of World Ocean Radio we outline a paper published by The Ocean Foundation that addresses three ocean areas that must be considered as part of a vision and strategy for developing a more sustainable economy: shipping, energy production and food security.
World Ocean Radio host Peter Neill recently returned from the Economist World Ocean Summit in Cancún, Mexico where he gathered with 400 ocean leaders and decision makers to discuss ocean policy, strategies, research, exploration and innovation. In this 461st episode of World Ocean Radio he shares what was discussed at the summit but also what was left out: namely the global fresh water cycle and the ocean as a financial, political, social, and cultural system. And he shares a surprising discovery made while swimming in an underground limestone cave in the the Mayan ruins at Chitzenitsa.
The pursuit for oil continues, even as many alternatives emerge and investments are displaced. In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill discusses the various governments around the world doubling down on their search for and extraction of oil, even as the world appears ready to move beyond the investment toward cleaner technologies.
Early in 2018, BlackRock asset management chair Larry Fink issued a statement declaring growing public demand for companies to serve a social purpose. He asserted that, increasingly, both public and private companies must be able to explain their social and environmental impacts and be able to demonstrate leadership to drive prosperity and security--not just for their own investment returns--but for all. In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill hails this paradigm shift suggested by Mr. Fink and proposes a World Ocean Fund for investment-based forward-looking technologies, sustainability and responsibility in markets to shape the 21st century and beyond.
This week on World Ocean Radio: part five of a multi-part series on the Arctic. In this episode, host Peter Neill discusses the ongoing debate over geological claims to the Arctic and who owns the rights to the natural resources in the vast outer limits of Arctic waters.
Insurance touches every aspect of our lives, protecting us from financial loss. As climate change is continually felt everywhere on the planet, how might we protect against the impacts of extreme weather, sea level rise, and more? In this episode of World Ocean Radio we outline the role of insurance companies and the ways in which insurance must adapt as a risk management tool for the world's most vulnerable.
This week we continue the Earth Optimism Series, a 24-episode project in partnership with the Smithsonian Institution's Ocean Portal, to celebrate ocean solutions and innovative projects in the context of the Earth Optimism Summit, April 2017. In this episode of World Ocean Radio we argue for the ocean as contributor to the resilience, enhancement, biodiversity, and health of the planet. And we assert that the green economy does not succeed without the blue economy, and when we begin to see the ocean as integral to the land rather than a place apart from it, we may begin to build a world that is truly sustainable.
World Ocean Radio is set to embark on a series highlighting optimistic projects, perspectives, and organizations helping to raise awareness at the individual, community, and national levels for the health and future of the earth and ocean. In this episode, host Peter Neill begins with some economic ideas as outlined by Gar Alperovitz of the Democracy Collaborative and the Next System Project.
In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill discusses a recent report entitled "The State of Sustainability Initiatives Review: Standards and the Blue Economy" and the state of global fisheries. The new IISD report provides research, analysis, and suggested standards that might serve as policy and guidelines to address both the crisis and viability of ocean resources.
Waste and the management of it are new challenges of these recent decades. How do we dispose of toxic waste, plastic packaging, electronics, and other discards of our modern society? Where does it all go? In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill talks about current efforts to recycle and re-purpose trash in efforts to slow contribution to the waste stream, and he suggests some new ideas for turning waste into profit.
The maritime industry is a major index of the health of the global economy and is a significant economic contributor to employment the world over. In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill will outline ways in which the sea serves as a massive system of global activity and will assert that the maritime industry may be a bell-weather of better things to come.
L'industrie maritime est un indice important de la santé économique globale et est un contributeur économique significatif à l'emploi dans le monde entier. Dans cet épisode de la radio océan du monde nous décrivons les manières dont la mer sert de système d'activité globale massif et affirmons que l'industrie maritime peut être un indicateur de meilleures choses à venir.
A indústria maritima constitui um dos principais indicadores da economia global e é simultaneamente um dos maiores empregadores mundiais. Neste episódio do World Ocean Radio destacaremos alguns dos modos como o mar representa um sistema massivo de actividade global e argumentaremos no sentido de considerar esta indústria como um bom indicador de um futuro que se afigura positivo.
La industria marítima es un índice importante de la salud de la economía global y es un contribuyente económico significativo al empleo en todo el mundo. En este episodio de World Ocean Radio delineamos las formas en las que el mar sirve como sistema masivo de actividad global y afirmamos que la industria marítima puede ser un cencerro para cosas mejores a futuro.