Breaking Waves: Ocean News

07/15/2024 - 15:54
Nearly 300,000 residents without electricity as governor gives company until end of month to address outages Power outages persist in Houston, Texas, after Hurricane Beryl tore through the area last week leavings hundreds of thousands of residents without electricity in the middle of a brutal heatwave. Nearly 300,000 customers have now gone almost a week without electricity and air conditioning during excessive heat where temperatures are reaching 94F (34C). Continue reading...
07/15/2024 - 15:50
The hikers were a father and daughter lost in Canyonlands and a woman who passed out at Snow Canyon state park Three hikers died over the weekend in suspected heat-related cases at state and national parks in Utah, including a father and daughter who got lost on a strenuous hike in Canyonlands national park in triple-digit temperatures. The daughter, 23, and her father, 52, sent a 911 text alerting dispatchers that they were lost and had run out of water while hiking the 8.1-mile (13km) Syncline Loop, described by the National Park Service as the most challenging trail in the Island in the Sky district of the south-east Utah park. Continue reading...
07/15/2024 - 15:43
Figure represents 64-66% of global output of tetrafluoromethane and hexafluoroethane, MIT study finds Emissions of two of the most potent greenhouse gases have substantially increased in China over the last decade, a study has found. Perfluorocarbons are used in the manufacturing processes for flat-panel TVs and semiconductors, or as by-products from aluminium smelting. They are far more effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere than CO2, and can persist in the Earth’s atmosphere for thousands of years, unlike CO2 which can persist for up to 200 years. Continue reading...
07/15/2024 - 14:00
Melting of ice is slowing planet’s rotation and could disrupt internet traffic, financial transactions and GPS The climate crisis is causing the length of each day to get longer, analysis shows, as the mass melting of polar ice reshapes the planet. The phenomenon is a striking demonstration of how humanity’s actions are transforming the Earth, scientists said, rivalling natural processes that have existed for billions of years. Continue reading...
07/15/2024 - 13:11
Rosamund Adoo-Kissi-Debrah is suing three government departments over Ella’s fatal asthma attack The mother of a nine-year-old girl who became the first person in the UK to have air pollution cited on their death certificate has said she wants an official apology for her daughter’s suffering as her high court claim against the government heads to trial. Rosamund Adoo-Kissi-Debrah is suing three government departments for compensation for personal injury arising from the illness and premature death of her daughter Ella, who had a fatal asthma attack in 2013 after being exposed to excessive air pollution. Continue reading...
07/15/2024 - 12:57
Oxygen is a fundamental requirement of life, and the loss of oxygen in water, referred to as aquatic deoxygenation, is a threat to life at all levels. In fact, researchers describe how ongoing deoxygenation presents a major threat to the stability of the planet as a whole.
07/15/2024 - 12:04
MPs approve cull of 481 bears this year, up from 220 last year, to control ‘overpopulation’ of protected species Romania’s parliament has approved the culling of almost 500 bears this year in an effort to control the “overpopulation” of the protected species after a deadly attack on a hiker sparked nationwide outcry. The country is home to 8,000 brown bears, according to the environment ministry, Europe’s largest brown bear population outside Russia. Continue reading...
07/15/2024 - 10:00
Winds blow particulates from drying lake into minority neighborhoods, exposing people to harmful particulates Toxic dust storms from the dried, exposed Great Salt Lake bed disproportionately poisons the air in Utah neighborhoods with higher levels of Hispanic and Pacific Islander populations, new research finds. The disparity between their average exposure and those of white populations will grow as the lake dries further. Continue reading...
07/15/2024 - 10:00
Lending puts banks in ‘complete violation’ of commitments to Paris agreement, climate group says, even as overall funding to sector ebbs Get our morning and afternoon news emails, free app or daily news podcast Australia’s big four banks are in “complete violation” of commitments to the Paris climate accord by funding fossil fuel expansion even as their overall lending to the sector continues to ebb, according to a new report. The climate activist group Market Forces said in the report that the banks lent the industry $3.6bn in 2023, bringing their total loans to more than $61bn since 2015. Last year, though, was first year in the past eight that banks avoided explicitly backing a new or expanded fossil fuel project. Continue reading...
07/15/2024 - 09:00
Blazing temperatures force people to find new ways to keep their pets safe, cool and occupied: ‘They sit, pee and go home’ Heat-resistant bootees, frozen bananas and pet sunscreen – it takes a lot to keep dogs safe during a nationwide heatwave. As pet owners across the US try to keep cool themselves, they’re changing dog-walking habits to accommodate boiling sidewalks or scorching parks, relying on indoor pet games to relish air conditioning, and embracing what has become a new normal for the dog days of summer, as extreme heat becomes an increasingly common reality. Julie Nashawaty, a professional dog walker who lives in Boston, says her various trips to take pups out around the city have become shorter, as the temperatures reached 90 to 100 degrees this week. “These are really quick breaks, quick walks,” she said. “They sit in the shade under the tree, pee, and then it’s straight back home, where sometimes I’ll even put a cooling blanket on them.” She also puts little boots on dogs’ paws, so their bare feet don’t have to touch blazing concrete. Continue reading...