Breaking Waves: Ocean News

08/29/2024 - 03:00
As multinationals and researchers harvest rare organisms around the world, anger is rising in the global south over the unpaid use of lucrative genetic codes found on their land Even in the warm summer sun, the stagnant puddles and harsh rock faces of Ribblehead quarry in North Yorkshire feel like an unlikely frontier of the AI industrial revolution. Standing next to a waterfall that bursts out from the fractured rock, Bupe Mwambingu reaches into the green sludge behind the cascade and emerges with fistful of algae. Balancing precariously on the rocks, the researcher passes the dripping mass to her colleague Emma Bolton, who notes their GPS coordinates and the acidity, temperature and light exposure on a phone app. Continue reading...
08/29/2024 - 00:23
A day after agreement was ratified at the Pacific Island Forum, the country’s climate minister says ‘root cause of climate change’ must be addressed Follow our Australia news live blog for latest updates Get our breaking news email, free app or daily news podcast Tuvalu’s climate minister has declared that “opening, subsidising and exporting fossil fuels is immoral and unacceptable”, just a day after Australia ratified a climate and security deal with the low-lying Pacific nation. The Australian prime minister, Anthony Albanese, welcomed the agreement with Tuvalu on Wednesday, saying Pacific island countries were “fully aware of the commitment that we have to climate action” but gas would continue to play a role. Sign up for Guardian Australia’s breaking news email Continue reading...
08/29/2024 - 00:00
Research for South Western Railway finds passengers who listened to natural soundscapes reported 35% reduction in stress levels At the end of summer even adults suffer that “back to school” feeling as they resume stressful commutes on packed trains. But instead of listening to a podcast or music, opting for a nature soundtrack of birdsong or waterfalls could be the key to a “zen” commute, according to a study. The research, undertaken by South Western Railway (SWR) on one of its trains and analysed by Charles Spence, a professor of experimental psychology at the University of Oxford, measured the impact of listening to nature soundscapes on passengers’ stress levels and relaxation. Continue reading...
08/28/2024 - 23:01
Researchers warn Asia will become an increasingly dangerous place to live until fossil fuels are replaced The “hyper-violent” Typhoon Gaemi was made fiercer and more likely to strike by the climate crisis, scientists have found. They said “Asia will become an increasingly dangerous place to live until fossil fuels are replaced”. The typhoon hit the Philippines, Taiwan and Hunan province in China in late July, with floods and landslides destroying homes, killing at least 100 people and affecting millions. Winds reaching 145mph (233 km/h) sank two large ships, while floods in Manila were as deep as a one-storey building. Continue reading...
08/28/2024 - 21:25
Climate scientist Bill Hare says it was a shock to see the headline which he described as ‘laughable’, accusing the ABC of ‘innovation in greenwashing’ Follow our Australia news live blog for latest updates Get our breaking news email, free app or daily news podcast ABC News has changed the headline of an interview with the Woodside Energy chief executive that read “How to save whales and produce gas” as an environmental advocate accuses the broadcaster of a political advertorial masquerading as journalism. The interview with Meg O’Neill, which was temporarily taken down from YouTube, iView and ABC News, was later republished with an editor’s note that read: “This interview has been reposted with an updated headline and thumbnail to better reflect the content of the interview.” Sign up for Guardian Australia’s breaking news email Continue reading...
08/28/2024 - 19:04
Authorities in Volos say affected area spans kilometres and could cause environmental disaster for other species Greek authorities have started collecting hundreds of thousands of dead fish that poured into a tourist port in the central city of Volos this week after being displaced from their usual freshwater habitats during flooding last year. The floating carcasses created a silvery blanket across the port and a stench that alarmed residents and authorities who raced to scoop them up before the odour reached nearby restaurants and hotels. Continue reading...
08/28/2024 - 18:55
Glaciologist says ‘he’s totally fine’ after video of rapper tasting water goes viral and viewers warn of contamination Chris “Ludacris” Bridges sparked concern from some social media followers when he knelt on an Alaska glacier, dipped an empty water bottle into a blue, pristine pool of water and drank it. Video of the rapper-turned-actor tasting the glacial water and proclaiming: “Oh my God!” got millions of views on TikTok and Instagram. Some viewers expressed concern that he was endangering his life by drinking the untreated water, warning it might be contaminated with the parasite giardia. Continue reading...
08/28/2024 - 18:01
Selected from almost 60,000 entries from 117 countries and territories, the winners of the 60th competition will be announced on 8 October. The 100 winning images will be on display at the Natural History Museum in London from 11 October [This article’s headline was amended on 29 August 2024 as an earlier version referred to the young wildlife photographer of the year.] Continue reading...
08/28/2024 - 11:00
Lobbyists from Airlines for America argued against European Commission draft rules to report cocktail of pollutants, freedom of information requests show US airlines lobbied against plans to monitor the damage wrought by planet-heating pollutants pumped out of planes in a previously undisclosed meeting with the European Commission, the Guardian can reveal. Lobbyists from Airlines for America and some of its member companies met representatives of the European Commission’s climate team in May in a meeting that is not logged on the participants’ pages in the EU transparency register. The commission said the meeting took place at a technical level and that it is under no obligation to publish details of meetings at lower levels of its hierarchy. Continue reading...
08/28/2024 - 10:00
Extinct in central Europe for 300 years, 36 northern bald ibis are following an ultralight aircraft on their long-forgotten migration route from Austria to Spain The northern bald ibis was extinct in central Europe for 300 years. Now, it has returned – and scientist “foster parents” aboard a tiny plane are teaching the birds to fly their long-forgotten migration routes. Thirty-six of these endangered birds are now following an ultralight aircraft 1,740 miles (2,800km ) from Austria to Spain, on a trip that could take up to 50 days to complete. Continue reading...