
Fresh ideas, new solutions, provocative and imaginative conversations about the future of the ocean

Sustainability and the Blue Economy

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Image Credit
Raul Macarie on Unsplash @macarie

Resource from this Episode
<Brutland REPORT>

About the Earth Optimism Summit
April 21 - 23, 2017
Washington, D.C.

Ocean Connections and Innovations

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Image Credit
Offshore Wind and Desalination Plants | The Monitor

About the Earth Optimism Summit
April 21 - 23, 2017
Washington, D.C.


Climate Innovation and the Ocean

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Image Credit
Jordan McQueen

About the Earth Optimism Summit
April 21 - 23, 2017
Washington, D.C.

Seagrass in Tampa Bay

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Image Credit
Satellite image of Tampa Bay on the western coast of Florida. NASA Image by Robert Simmon, based on Landsat data provided by the UMD Global Land Cover Facility.
NASA Earth Observatory

Inventing Fish

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About World Ocean Radio

An Arctic Vision

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About World Ocean Radio


Global Partnership for the Oceans

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World Ocean Observatory recently established an alliance with the Global Partnership for Oceans, a growing partnership of more than 140 governments, U.N. agencies, international organizations, private companies, research institutions, and others committed to addressing the threats to the health, productivity, and resilience of the ocean.


Waste-Free Ocean

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Of all the types of waste in the marine ecosystem, plastic is perhaps the best known: it shows up on beaches, in the stomachs of shore birds, fish and mammals, in the vast, swirling gyre in the Pacific. While recycling technology and acceptance has advanced for glass, metal and paper, only a fraction of plastic is recycled. In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill will argue that we must recover the plastic already in the waste stream, creating incentives, cost benefits and investment opportunities for its capture and reuse.

Reciprocity II

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Reciprocity makes everyone a winner, everyone a builder, everyone a giver. It is a simple framework that allows us to understand another way of being, how to support a shift from our present way that is making us all losers, all destroyers, and all takers until we have nothing left. Is that really what we want for the land, for the ocean, for ourselves and our future?



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