August 1, 2016

e·thos / ˈēTHäs
noun. the characteristic spirit of a culture, era, or community as manifested in its beliefs and aspirations.
The environmental and political turmoil we face in the world today is symptomatic of a failing system unable to support and sustain us. We are facing a bankrupt value system. The question is, “what’s next?” In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill tackles this head-on, arguing for a new paradigm for the 21st century, a “hydraulic society” enabled by a healthy ocean and the fresh water cycle.

July 25, 2016

"Are we training our best new minds in the worst ways?" In this week's episode of World Ocean Radio host Peter Neill asks this question and more of scientists and educators working for sustainability and environment, urging them to question conventional thinking and to provide students with the research skills, curiosity, and necessary knowledge to create new ways of thinking to bring us into a sustainable future.

July 19, 2016

Summertime again, and what better time to pack a few books and head to the beach? In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill suggests some of his favorite books for ocean lovers. His list runs the gamut from complicated and comprehensive to entertaining and mystical. And he recommends a new book by Captain Peter Wilcox, an adventurous non-fiction book that has action and intrigue, and highlights public consciousness, public awareness and protest of ocean issues that Wilcox’s Greenpeace has been dedicated to for more than forty years.

July 11, 2016

Product labeling is a thorough and complicated business, from nutrition facts and ingredients on food labels to non-GMOS, organics, recycling information and much more. But a key component is missing from all of this labeling and accountability: the calculation of water used to grow, mine, process, produce, package, transport, and dispose of the infinite things consumers consume. In this episode of World Ocean Radio host Peter Neill will ask if it would not be useful to know a rating of water use—how much is used, where it comes from, and how production waste is disposed of—before we make an educated, mindful purchase?

July 7, 2016

The Polar Code is a new document of the International Maritime Organization to begin to frame the safe use of the Polar region by the inevitable increased shipping traffic to the Arctic. In this episode of World Ocean Radio host Peter Neill outlines the code and hails its thoroughness while questioning the preparedness of increased maritime traffic and the risks involved to this highly vulnerable natural ecosystem.

July 1, 2016

How important is access to clean water? Just ask the residents of Flint, Michigan. Or the people of Cochabamba, Bolivia. Or Syria, the West Bank, Brazil, or countless other countries and communities where people are struggling with supply, access, contamination, and uncertainty. ‪‎Water‬ is THE global issue of our time. In this one hour lecture broadcast by Alternative Radio, Peter Neill of the World Ocean Observatory and author of THE ONCE AND FUTURE OCEAN speaks about why the ‪‎ocean‬ matters and what it has to do with our fresh water future.

June 28, 2016

In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill discusses a recent report entitled "The State of Sustainability Initiatives Review: Standards and the Blue Economy" and the state of global fisheries. The new IISD report provides research, analysis, and suggested standards that might serve as policy and guidelines to address both the crisis and viability of ocean resources.

June 20, 2016

World Ocean Radio host Peter Neill recently returned from the Arctic Circle Forum in Nuuk, Greenland, where he made some interesting observations about those in attendance and the shifting attitudes away from the business-as-usual interests in Arctic resources toward more assertive ideas by Greenlanders to create new opportunities using their resources and investing in the area's people within the context of historical values and cultural traditions.

June 14, 2016

The World Ocean Council is an international leadership alliance focused on ocean sustainability, stewardship and science. In this week's episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill dives into their work, their mission, and their membership. Their recent emphasis on the Polar regions has raised a number of questions about sustainability versus access to resources, development of systems versus protection of fragile ecosystems, and corporate interests versus the health and well-being of indigenous peoples.

June 6, 2016

On June 8th we celebrate World Ocean Day, a day to recognize our relationship with the ocean through global connection and stewardship. In this episode of World Ocean Radio host Peter Neill will discuss what World Ocean Day is meant to do and will ask, "What does it take for the will of the people to coalesce around a single issue, to be informed and changed into a voice for change?"

May 23, 2016

In this fourth and final episode in a series on writers who have shaped his interest in the ocean and the natural world, host Peter Neill discusses the work of American author, essayist, and fiction writer Barry Lopez, whose “Arctic Dreams: Imagination and Desire in a Northern Landscape” stands as a classic--one of the most encompassing and evocative portraits of a natural place ever written.

May 16, 2016

In the third of a four-part series on writers who have shaped his interest in the ocean and the natural world, host Peter Neill reads from essayist Robert Macfarlane's best selling non-fiction work "The Old Ways: A Journey on Foot", a blend of natural history, travel writing, and more. In it, Macfarlane encourages an understanding of the natural world as a means to discover better paths, new imaginings, and inspirational ways forward.

May 9, 2016

In the second of a four-part series on writers who have shaped his interest in the ocean and the natural world, host Peter Neill highlights the work of American author, poet, essayist, and literary critic Annie Dillard. As one of the preeminent naturalists of our time, Dillard’s close observations of nature remind us that to grasp the micro and macro cosmic elements of our lives requires a willingness to immerse oneself, to listen, and to observe.

May 2, 2016

In the first of a four-part series on writers who have shaped his interest in Nature and the ocean, host Peter Neill highlights the work of 20th century American writer Loren Eiseley. Eiseley was a researcher, teacher, scholar, essayist, and poet. He was an academic who was both a scientist and a humanist, one who maintains a place of eminence in the literary world, now more than 30 years after his death. His work was once described as delivering “science to non-scientists in the lyrical language of earthly metaphor, simile, and narrative…”

April 30, 2016

In this half hour interview with Amy Browne, host of WERU-FM's "Maine Currents", Peter Neill discusses his new book, "The Once and Future Ocean: Notes Toward a New Hydraulic Society." During the interview they discuss fresh water, climate change, ways in which the sea connects all things, plastic pollution, why the ocean matters, and having hope and optimism for the future.

April 25, 2016

As of late March the Obama Administration is no longer considering Cashes Ledge in the Gulf of Maine for national monument designation. This news, delivered to a room of fishing industry regulators, came as a blow to conservationists who have sought monument status for years. In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill will offer his thoughts on the rationale which favors preserving this and other essential, bio-diverse seascapes, and that of the fishermen and state regulators who opposed these additional restrictions.

April 18, 2016

The public trust doctrine is designed to protect our natural resources for the benefit of future generations. Plaintiffs in a number of legal cases around the country, with the help of Our Children’s Trust, have been fighting to bring legal action against state and federal governments, claiming not enough is being done to protect their future by reducing global warming. In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill will discuss one particular climate change case, a landmark victory in Eugene, Oregon, which rejected all arguments raised by the federal government to deny youth their right to proceed with the case. This is a monumental step forward, proving that plaintiffs do in fact have a right to bring charges of violations under the public trust doctrine.

April 11, 2016

Since the creation and ratification of the United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), many international experts have been debating how to create a binding instrument to address marine areas outside of national jurisdiction—the high seas. In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill details the complex and time-consuming process of creating and implementing international ocean policy, and hails the work of the many people who contribute to the process of building an effective, practical, and applicable agreement for the benefit of all.

April 5, 2016

Peter Neill, Director of the World Ocean Observatory and host of World Ocean Radio, has recently published a new book, “THE ONCE AND FUTURE OCEAN: Notes Toward a New Hydraulic Society” in which he lays forth the proposition that the age of unlimited growth driven by fossil fuels is over. He claims that a new world view is required now, one around which we can organize our values and behaviors based on our relationship with water: our most precious resource. In this episode of World Ocean Radio he asserts that we must define what comes next, we must welcome and encourage change, we must refine and apply a new paradigm for a new hydraulic society, and that the time to act is now.

March 28, 2016

W2O Director Peter Neill recently spent time in the Galapagos Islands and is back to share his observations from a long-anticipated trip to the UNESCO World Heritage site. In this episode he praises the management of the island which works to protect it from the crush of modern day, and he heralds the work of the under-funded Darwin Center, enlisting the help of the World Ocean Radio broadcast audience in support of the Center’s objectives and plan to ensure the Galapagos remains as natural as possible.

March 22, 2016

In this fourth and final episode dedicated to outlining the complexities contained in the United Nations World Ocean Assessment, host Peter Neill focuses on the State of Oregon in the US, where a robust ocean stewardship program is in place, focusing on many of the issues and utilizing recommendations outlined in the Report.

March 11, 2016

In this third of four episodes dedicated to outlining the complexities contained in the United Nations World Ocean Assessment, host Peter Neill explores the concept of “ecosystem services” as a way to account for absent values when attempting to reconcile the balance sheet of human interaction with Nature. And he explains that activities such as offshore fishing have too many variables to be calculated by conventional measures and must be considered for their full compliment of impacts.

March 4, 2016

In this second of four episodes dedicated to outlining the complexities contained in the United Nations World Ocean Assessment, host Peter Neill explores a partial list of the ocean issues contained in the Report, and argues that this baseline document demonstrates that we know enough about ocean issues and that we have the tools and actions at our disposal to make an immediate commitment and difference in the ocean future.

March 1, 2016

In January of 2016 the UN General Assembly accepted a 1,752 page report entitled "The First Global Integrated Marine Assessment: World Ocean Assessment 1." In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill begins to dive into the massive ocean document and explain its contents, first by outlining its ten basic themes and subsets of issues and challenges.

February 22, 2016

In October 2015 Liberal Party leader Justin Trudeau overwhelmingly won the Canadian election for Prime Minister. In advance of the election, Premier Taptuna of the Arctic territory Nunavut wrote an open letter to the candidates. In it, he asked each to outline their vision for the future of the Arctic. The indigenous people of Canada have long endured unresolved discussions about issues such as environmental sustainability, economic and educational opportunity, access to technology and basic services, and more. Taptuna’s letter may have helped shape an election, further a debate, and generate a response toward a more sustainable Arctic.