Fresh Water
March 1, 2015

In this episode of World Ocean Radio host Peter Neill continues a discussion about the most important issue facing the world today: the global water crisis. This week he highlights the Nile River Basin and a multi-institutional planning initiative on that massive and complex waterway which could be adapted as a tool for managing water assets on other interstate and trans-national waterways around the world. This episode is part of an ongoing series that looks toward building a new value premise and societal change around water as the most valuable commodity on earth, essential to our future survival.

February 23, 2015

In this episode of World Ocean Radio host Peter Neill discusses the most important issue facing the world today: the global water crisis. Is it possible to construct a new system on the true value of water? Can we make, and execute, a new plan? This week we'll tackle these questions and more. This episode is part of an ongoing series that looks toward building a new value premise and societal change around water as the most valuable commodity on earth, essential to our future survival.

February 15, 2015

In this episode of World Ocean Radio host Peter Neill discusses the most important issue facing the world today: the global water crisis. This episode is the first of an ongoing series that looks toward building a new value premise and societal change around water as the most valuable commodity on earth, essential to our future survival.

February 8, 2015

The price of oil has dropped to $50 per barrel and the landscape is changing: alternative energy is growing in success and popularity, industries have cancelled plans to drill in the Polar seas, there is talk of increased efficiency, improved technology, new energy policy, and “clean energy” are the buzzwords of our day. In this episode of World Ocean Radio host Peter Neill will discuss this shift away from oil dominance and will attribute it to a number of factors, including increased public awareness and education. And he will give three examples of ways in which we as individuals, communities, and corporations can seize this moment to move away from a system which has degraded our lives and environment for far too long.

January 30, 2015

The Japanese word "Mottainai" refers to the essence of things, and suggests that objects do not exist in isolation, rather that they are intrinsically linked to one another. In this episode of World Ocean Radio host Peter Neill will discuss this and other Japanese words and phrases which can be used to help us describe a new strategy for our relationship to the ocean, one which respects and sustains the values of Mother Nature so that we may rely on her natural resources for our future, and for our very survival.

January 5, 2015

Waste and the management of it are new challenges of these recent decades. How do we dispose of toxic waste, plastic packaging, electronics, and other discards of our modern society? Where does it all go? In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill talks about current efforts to recycle and re-purpose trash in efforts to slow contribution to the waste stream, and he suggests some new ideas for turning waste into profit.

December 29, 2014

As the world population has grown, the demand for food has increased, technologies for more efficient harvest have evolved, and our natural systems have been exploited at ever-increasing scale. In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill will present a recent suggestion by Dr. Daniel Pauly of the Sea Around Us Project which outlines a simple management plan that would solve the problem through an economic adjustment of scale.

December 29, 2014

Avec la croissance de la population mondiale, la demande en nourriture a augmenté, les technologies pour des récoltes plus efficaces ont évolué et nos systèmes naturels ont été exploités à des échelles de plus en plus importantes. Dans cet épisode de World Ocean Radio, nous présentons une suggestion récente de Dr. Daniel Pauly de Sea Around Us Project qui souligne un plan de gestion simple qui résoudrait le problème via un ajustement économique des échelles.

December 29, 2014


December 29, 2014

A medida que la población mundial ha crecido, la demanda de alimentos ha aumentado, las tecnologías para una cosecha más eficiente han evolucionado, y nuestros sistemas naturales han sido explotados a una escala cada vez mayor. En este episodio de la Radio Océano del Mundo presentamos la reciente sugerencia del Dr. Daniel Pauly del proyecto Sea Around Us que esboza un plan simple para resolver el problema a través de un ajuste económico de escala.

December 29, 2014

A medida que la población mundial ha crecido, la demanda de alimentos ha aumentado, las tecnologías para una cosecha más eficiente han evolucionado, y nuestros sistemas naturales han sido explotados a una escala cada vez mayor. En este episodio de la Radio Océano del Mundo presentamos la reciente sugerencia del Dr. Daniel Pauly del proyecto Sea Around Us que esboza un plan simple para resolver el problema a través de un ajuste económico de escala.

December 15, 2014

Toxic chemicals released into watersheds and waterways remain a persistent problem despite the sounding of alarms, which for decades have railed against the uncontrolled use of fertilizers and pesticides. Today, the issue is as pervasive and as threatening as ever. In this episode of World Ocean Radio host Peter Neill shares research on international protections and management approaches and argues that despite best intentions, precautions against use and dispersal are limited, confused, mired in regulatory bureaucracy, and lacking in international consensus.

December 15, 2014


December 15, 2014

Les produits chimiques relâchés dans les bassins versants et les cours d’eau sont un problème récurrent malgré toutes les sirènes d’alarmes, qui se sont élevées depuis plusieurs décennies contre un usage non-contrôlé des fertilisants et pesticides. Aujourd’hui, le problème est encore plus présent et menaçant que jamais. Dans cet épisode de World Ocean Radio, nous partageons des recherches sur les protections internationales et les approches de gestion et nous soutenons que malgré les meilleures intentions existantes, les précautions contre l’usage et la dispersion sont limitées à cause de la régulation bureaucratique et du manque de consensus international.

December 15, 2014

Os produtos químicos tóxicos libertados em bacias hidrográficas e vias aquíferas são um problema que persiste, apesar do som de alarmes que, durante décadas, têm protestado contra o uso indiscriminado de fertilizantes e pesticidas. Hoje, o problema mantém-se tão generalizado e ameaçador como então. Neste episódio da World Ocean Radio partilhamos pesquisa sobre protecções e abordagens de gestão internacionais, argumentando que, apesar das boas-intenções, as precauções contra o uso e disseminação são limitadas, atoladas que estão em burocracia reguladora e na falta de consenso internacional.

December 8, 2014

At a recent conference and planning workshop sponsored by the Climate Change Institute at the University of Maine, participants took part in a climate risk management exercise to define possible climate change scenarios. They were given lists of risks, impacts, and vulnerabilities as tools to imagine viable responses. In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill describes the exercise and explains the scenarios and how they might be transformed and implemented as plans for action. And he argues that the need for risk management is necessary, regardless of the climate change debate.

December 1, 2014

Externality refers to a disconnected or unconsidered consequence. Hydrofracking, mountaintop removal, filled wetlands, carbon emissions, and plastic pollution are all examples of intrusion into natural systems where the full cost is not valued. In this episode of World Ocean Radio host Peter Neill will discuss the real, various, and dangerous externalities of climate change and will assert that to deny them is simplistic and defeatist.

November 24, 2014

An article published by The Guardian in October provides a stark exposé of one of the largest Chinese suppliers of premium tuna to the Japanese market. The findings were alarming: a company circumventing international conservation limits by simply ignoring them; a government unwilling to crack down on illegal fishing because it does not fit past patterns of behavior; an industry that does nothing to honor catch limits set by Regional Fisheries Management Organizations. The list of revelations goes on. In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill will further outline the article by journalist Shannon Service, in which she discusses political ambitions, military might, shady dealings, global protein supplies, marine resources, territorial aspirations, and political action.

November 17, 2014

Who has a right to life? Only one species? Do humans have the right to exterminate any species they wish? In an effort to combat climate change and the exploitation of the planet’s resources, Bolivia is becoming the first country on Earth to give comprehensive legal rights to Mother Nature. In 2010 the National Congress of Bolivia voted to support an act to protect the well-being of its citizens by protecting the natural world, its resources, sustainability, and value as essential to the common good. In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill explores the language contained in the legislation and asserts that Bolivia may be inventing a social model that will show how we as a global community might transcend conflict and division toward a harmonious and sustainable future.

November 10, 2014

Everywhere you look there is a battle being waged over our energy future. Leasing plans for offshore oil have long and unsuccessfully been the target of industry groups; it has been asserted, however, that in recent months offshore exploration and development have gained public backing and may push forward. In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill will argue that the energy industry has transformed the American landscape and cannot be trusted with environmental stewardship of the ocean, nor should they be permitted to spoil anything more.

November 3, 2014

In this episode of World Ocean Radio host Peter Neill explains the term “ecological debt” and outlines the work of the Global Footprint Network which uses the Ecological Footprint accounting tool to measure how much nature we have and how much we use. And he’ll assert that, according to the matrix, we are already in global ecological overshoot, having depleted the very resources on which human life and biodiversity depend.

October 27, 2014

The distribution of fresh water to meet growth and increased demand has historically relied on massive planning structures. The impacts of climate change (drought, fire, extreme weather) are testing these structures, exposing them to be largely inadequate for a 21st century world. In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill will use China as an example of a rapidly-developing country in need of an industrial water policy that realistically factors the true cost of the supply and demand of water without sacrificing the small-scale historical methods such as conservation, water recycling, and small hydro. And he will caution that large scale construction schemes that develop with no concern for environmental and social consequence will incite civic concern and unrest.

October 17, 2014

Each city lost or gained by a rival faction in the latest violence in Syria and Turkey sits on a major river—the Euphrates, the Tigris, or their tributaries. The wars waged are being fought along a watershed. In this episode of World Ocean Radio we suggest that despite air strikes, conflicting systems of law, and pursuits for oil, what really matters most is water. That it, among all other things, is what enables the true security of the region.

October 17, 2014

Cada cidade conquistada ou perdida por uma facção rival na recente onda de violência que se regista na Síria e na Turquia situa-se num grande rio: o Eufrates, o Tigre ou algum dos seus afluentes. Os combates vêm sendo travados ao longo de uma bacia hidrográfica. Neste episódio da World Ocean Radio sugerimos que, apesar dos ataques aéreos, do conflito entre sistemas legais e das pretensões petrolíferas, o que verdadeiramente importa é a água. Que a água, acima de todas as outras coisas, é aquilo que permite a verdadeira segurança na região.

October 10, 2014

In Part II of a 2-part series on the Global Water Contract, World Ocean Radio host Peter Neill explains the Committee's progressive recommendations in response to a growing fresh water crisis that is estimated to affect 3 billion people worldwide.